Digital Marketing Consultancy & Solutions


Handling your Digital Marketing Needs, Leaving You Time to Focus on the Rest

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Digital marketing solutions for you and your business


We are


A digital marketing consultancy and management company based in Newcastle, demystifying the digital world of marketing for local and independent companies, to maximise their potential customer reach.

Experts in digital marketing and strategy ready to help grow your business and generate an impressive ROI. Our tailored approach means we only focus on what will work - making your money work smarter and your results even better.

I love nothing more than taking a project from its digital infancy and watching it grow into a fully-functional, profitable online brand with the power of optimised digital strategy.
— Ellie Smith, Bottle Green Media

About Us

Experts in digital marketing and strategy ready to help grow your business and generate an impressive ROI.

Bottle Green Media wrote new SEO and website content for us after we wanted to take our SME to the next level. In the first week we acquired two big contracts through organic search. We couldn’t be happier, and we can’t recommend Bottle Green Media highly enough.
— Mick O’Donnell, Advanced Engravers Ltd, Owner & Founder